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Floribama Shore
The reality TV show, Floribama Shore on MTV was first released on November 27, 2017. This show is somewhat like Jersey Shore and takes place in Panama City Beach.
The cast of Floribama Shore has had a lot of ups and downs between the two seasons but in the end they always come together as a family. The cast consists of Nilsa Prowant, Codi Butts, Candace Rice, Kortni Gilson, Aimee Hall, Gus Smyrnios, Jeremiah Buoni, and Kirk Medas. They argue on multiple occasions but they also stick up for each other. There have been some very serious moments throughout this show such as losing loved ones. But the roommates have also had some fun and exciting moments; such as partying, taking road trips, working and bonding together.
Is this real?
Most reality TV shows aren’t as real as we think. According to, “a couple of Floribama Shore’s octet of twenty-somethings have interesting backgrounds, which created a compelling arc that led up to last night’s finale. By setting the show in the South, they found millennials who pray regularly in masses. The muscle-strapped tough guys aren’t afraid to cry and show their sensitivity on camera. Each of the cast members, including a couple of the men who said they’d been homeless prior to shooting, had grown up in a way that isn’t regularly depicted on the network.”
In season 2, cast member Aimee Hall was charged with battery when they went out one night. According to, “There are varying accounts of what led to the fight, but they all seem to agree that Aimee wound up punching a woman named Melissa Bensinger after Melissa reportedly expressed to Aimee that she thought the show made Panama City Beach look ‘ratchet.’” This incident makes the show look even more realistic. It’s all fun in games until someone gets arrested.